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Articles by Onnik Krikorian

The genocide issue

17/03/2010 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

A US Congressional resolution, which urges Washington to recognize the 1915 massacre and deportation of as many as 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide, raises concerns about future of Armenia-Turkey process

New year, same old elections

15/01/2010 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

By-elections in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, show old tactics on the side of the government and a diminishing influence of the opposition in society. The surprise move of Nikol Pashinyan, the increase of voter apathy

After the Quake

21/12/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Gyumri, the city symbol of the quake that 21 years ago struck Armenia. The stories of the homeless, the domiks, the migrants, waiting for the opening of the borders with Turkey. Reportage

Armenia: Pashinyan plans to run for parliament

04/12/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Nikol Pashinyan, a 34-year-old opposition newspaper editor currently on trial for allegedly provoking mass riots and defying representatives of state authority, will contest the vote slated for 10 January 2010

A web of Peace

27/11/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Social media and conflict resolution in the South Caucasus. The opportunities offered to Armenian and Azeri peace activists, the debate in the region

Armenia-Turkey protocols signed while critics claim betrayal

21/10/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

The reactions in Armenia to the signing of the protocols with Turkey. The political scenario, the public debate. A survivor of the 1915 genocide speaks out

An Azeri village in Georgia

16/10/2009 -  Arzu GeybullayevaOnnik Krikorian Karajala

Our correspondents from Baku and Yerevan, Arzu Geybullayeva and Onnik Krikorian, visited an ethnic Azeri village in Karajala, eastern Georgia. A photo-reportage

Activist under investigation

23/09/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Mariam Sukhudyan, a local environmental activist, faces up to 5 years imprisonment after alleging cases of child abuse in a Yerevan boarding school. This seems to be part of a growing trend of governments in the region targeting youth activists

Rocking and rapping in Azerbaijan

10/09/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Music in all three republics continues to be dominated by those singers and musicians who are subordinate to nationalist or predominant political interests. But rock and rap bands are starting to speak out, especially in Azerbaijan

Local election, national politics

17/06/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Municipal elections took place in Yerevan on 31 May, "a local election driven by a national agenda". Amidst claims of widespread fraud and intimidation, opposition leader and former president Levon Ter-Petrosyan called for protests

Eurovision opens new wounds in the Caucasus

22/05/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Already notorious more for its political block voting than even its kitsch and glitzy musical entries, nothing could have prepared anyone for the controversy surrounding the three countries of the South Caucasus in this year's Eurovision Song Contest

An online revolution in the making?

08/05/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Internet penetration remains low in regions such as the South Caucasus. However, as costs come down and connection speeds increase, there is no doubt that online and mobile communication will become important tools in the hands of civil society and political activists alike

Former president to run for Yerevan Mayor

25/03/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Levon Ter-Petrossian, the first president of independent Armenia, will participate in the municipal elections of the Armenian capital to be held on 31 May. Amid fears of election rigging, with both sides convinced of their own sweeping victory, the opposition hopes to weaken the legitimacy of president Sargsyan

The Armenian Dram collapses

16/03/2009 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

After years of economic growth that surprised many, the global financial crisis finally hit Armenia early last week forcing the Central Bank to devalue the local currency, the dram